Norwood scale or Hamilton Norwood scale is a classification system for male pattern hair loss. Men typically lose hair in a characteristic pattern, beginning at the temples and crown of the head. As hair loss progresses, the hairline recedes until it takes on a characteristic "M" shape. This M-shaped hairline is known as a widow's peak.

The Norwood scale is named after Dr. O'Tar Norwood, who first published it in the 1970s. The scale is used to classify the extent of hair loss and aid in predicting how the condition will progress. It is also used to determine the best course of treatment. However, the Norwood scale is only a guideline and does not consider individual variation. So to get into more detail, Below are the insights regarding the Norwood hair loss scale and how it measures male hair loss.
Stages Of Hair Loss:
When it comes to the Norwood hair loss scale, seven different hair loss stages of male pattern baldness are classified.

Norwood 1 Hairline | Thinning Of Hairline/No Visible Signs
A minor recession of the hairline characterises this stage. There is usually no visible sign of hair loss at this stage. When hair follicles are healthy, they go through a natural growth cycle and rest. During the healthy hair growth phase, the follicle produces new hair. The old hair is shed during the resting phase. In this stage, the follicles enter the resting phase more frequently than usual. As a result, the hairline appears to recede slightly. This stage is also known as the prodromal stage.

Norwood 2 Hairline | Mild Recessions
In this hair loss stage, the hairline's recession becomes more noticeable. The hairlines at the temples and frontal region recede further. However, the hair loss pattern is still not severe enough to cause balding. In this stage, the M-shaped hairline is not yet apparent. Significant hair loss usually occurs in the temporal (side) regions.

Norwood 3 Hairline | Moderate Recessions
In stage 3, the hair loss is more noticeable and extensive. The receding hairline at the temples and frontal region recede further. The M-shaped hairline becomes more apparent. The pattern of hair loss now extends to the vertex (crown) region. However, the hair loss is not yet severe enough to cause balding, and treatment, such as scalp micropigmentation or hair transplantation, is not recommended in this case.

Norwood Type 4 Hairline | Severe Recessions
In stage 4, the hairline recedes more than 1 inch from its original position. Male pattern hair loss has now progressed to the point where it is starting to cause balding. With a deep recession of the hairline, an M-shaped hairline is now clearly visible. The patches of minimal hair loss on the scalp become more numerous.

Norwood Type 5 Hairline | Band Of Baldness Expands
Your hairline has receded further and extends from the crown to the mid-scalp. The band of baldness is noticeably more comprehensive, and your hair appears thinner overall. You may also have a diffuse thinning of hair on the top of the head. If you have Type 5 patterned hair loss, you may be a good candidate for scalp micropigmentation.

Stage 6: Norwood Type 6 Hair | Prominent Hair Loss Around Temples
Men with Norwood Type 6 hair loss have lost most of the hair from the temporal (front) areas of their scalp. The remaining hair forms a very narrow band around the back and sides of the head. There is also diffuse thinning on the top of the head. This stage is also known as "premature vertex balding" because it can occur in men as young as their 20s or 30s.

Stage 7: Norwood Type 7 Hair | Complete Baldness On The Top Of The Head
Norwood Type 7 is the most advanced stage of male pattern baldness. In this stage, there is complete baldness on the top of the head, with only a narrow band of hair around the back and sides of the head. Scalp reduction surgery is an option for men with Type 7 hair loss. You are not alone if you are a man experiencing any stages of male pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness is the most common type of hair loss in men, affecting more than 50% of men by age 50. If you are concerned about your hair loss, we recommend that you consult with a scalp micro pigmentation expert to discuss your treatment options.
Male Pattern Baldness Diagnosing Signs
Are you noticing any thinning hair on your scalp? Do you see more hair in your brush or the drain than usual? This could signify Male Pattern Baldness, the most common form of hair loss in men.
The hair growth cycle consists of three phases: anagen (active growth), catagen (transition), and telogen (resting). When you have Male Pattern Baldness, the anagen phase shortens, and the hairs become thinner and weaker as they move into the resting phase.

If you suspect you may be experiencing Male Pattern Baldness, you must see a doctor or hair loss specialist and get a proper diagnosis. The earlier you catch it, the better your chance of slowing down or stopping the hair loss.
There are different degrees of Male Pattern Baldness, so getting a professional opinion is essential. The Norwood Hairline scale is the most common way to grade Male Pattern Baldness.
Ways To Treat Your Hair Loss
Although there is no cure for Male Pattern Baldness, there are ways to treat it. If you catch it early enough, you may be able to slow down the hair loss or even stop it altogether.
Minoxidil (Rogaine)
This topical solution is applied to the scalp twice a day. It can stop hair loss and even help new hair to grow. It usually takes four to six months to see results.
Finasteride (Propecia)
This is a prescription drug that is taken once a day. It helps stop the production of DHT, the hormone that causes Male Pattern Baldness. It increases the natural hair growth cycle and thickens existing hair.
Laser Devices
These use low-level lasers to stimulate hair growth. They are safe and effective but can be expensive. There are various laser devices on the market, so it's essential to do your research before you buy one.
Treating male pattern baldness can be a long and frustrating process, but it's important to remember that you're not alone. There are many options available to you, and with the help of a doctor or hair loss specialist, you can find the best treatment for your individual needs.
Prescription Hair Loss Treatments
The prescription treatments depend upon the severity of your hair loss. Doctors might recommend any of the following clinical treatments:
Scalp Micropigmentation
Scalp micro pigmentation is a cosmetic procedure used to treat pattern baldness. The process involves tattooing tiny dots of pigment onto the scalp to create the appearance of fuller, thicker hair.
Scalp micro pigmentation is usually done in a series of sessions, each spaced a few weeks apart. The number of sessions needed will depend on the extent of hair loss. With a successful treatment plan, the results of scalp micro-pigmentation can last for years.
Scalp Reduction
Scalp reduction is a surgical procedure used to treat pattern baldness. The process involves removing the skin from the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. This can be done by surgically cutting away the skin or using a laser to vaporise the skin.

Generally, scalp reduction is only recommended for men with advanced hair loss. The procedure can be used to treat the crown and the hairline, but it is most commonly used to treat the crown.
Scalp Expansion
Scalp expansion is a surgical technique used to treat pattern baldness. The procedure involves stretching the skin on the scalp to create a larger surface area. This can be done by surgically attaching devices to the skin or injecting a substance that helps expand the skin.
Hair loss can be a devastating condition for any man. But with the right treatment plan, you can restore your hairline and regain confidence. Contact our hair loss specialist to discuss your surgical procedures if you're struggling with hair loss.
The Bottom Line
Visionary Scalp is the premier provider of hair loss services, specifically Scalp Micropigmentation. We can help you at any stage of male pattern baldness, from the early stages to a full Norwood 7. Our cutting-edge treatments can help keep your hair longer and improve your appearance, no matter if it is maturing or receding. After the detailed consultation, our team of experts will develop a personalised treatment plan for you.
If you're concerned about hair loss, don't wait any longer. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation. We'll help you determine the best course of action and get you on the road to regain your confidence. Our expert staff are ready to help you achieve the results you desire. Don't suffer from hair loss any longer. Call us today!